About 100cc Semi-Automatic Scooters

These 100cc semi-automatic bikes used to be very popular models we rented out. However, with the newer 110cc models available that were made in Vietnam, an upgrade is necessary. In short, newer is always better.

Honda Wave RSV Repsol scooter 100cc 2009 model 100cc Semi-Automatic discontinued

2009 Honda Wave RSV Repsol 100cc semi-automatic scooter

2009 model. A very colorful bike and was, in fact, the last Repsol inspired version of Honda Wave that was made in Vietnam. The reason could be this scooter was too small to have Repsol sticker on it.

Honda Wave RSV Repsol scooter 100cc 2007 model

2007 Honda Wave RSV Repsol 100cc

2007 model. A less colorful bike and was, in fact, the first Repsol inspired version of Honda Wave that was made in Vietnam. Like the 2009 version, the reason could be this scooter was too small to have Repsol sticker on it.

Honda Wave RS scooter 100cc

Honda RS 100cc

A very successful Wave model from Honda Vietnam.

Honda Wave S scooter 100cc

Honda S 100cc

Another very successful Wave model from Honda Vietnam.

Honda Wave Alpha scooter 100cc

Honda Wave Alpha 100cc

Probably the most successful Wave model from Honda Vietnam. The design was simple, it’s the starting low price product but have the longest product life cycle in Vietnam until now!

Honda Wave scooter 100cc

Honda Wave 100cc

The original Wave design and was very popular in all Southeast Asia.

Honda Supra scooter 100cc

Honda Supra 100cc

The original Wave design but was from Indonesia – very popular in this country. In fact, this model was made with the best quality of the whole Honda Wave family.

Honda Super Dream scooter 100cc

Honda Super Dream 100cc

The basic yet immortal design that makes this model have the longest product life cycle. Honda has been manufacturing this model since the late 1980s until its discontinue of production in 2017 with a little change in design.

SYM Angel scooter 90cc

SYM Angel scooter 90cc

The only non-Honda semi-automatic scooter Hanoi Motorbike Rental rented out. It’s a very basic but good quality.

Contact us at [email protected] in case you want more information or parts of these discontinued 100cc semi-automatic bikes.

Replacement For 100cc Semi-automatic Scooters

To find out which current motorbike/scooter is really the best for you, please watch the below video. For more videos, you can visit our YouTube channel.


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